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A High Availability Server
Designed Especially for Small Business

Most businesses rely on one or more servers to provide essential services such as document management, database access, or email. When a server is down, workflow processes fail. Productivity drops, and profits are lost.

Large companies typically utilize High Availability Servers (HAS) to minimize this problem. These, however, come with high costs that are prohibitive for most small businesses. These high costs come in one of two forms:

ATLAS architecture diagram.
1. The upfront cost for special hardware (nonstop computers).
2. The ongoing cost for necessary IT support (of failover clusters).
There has been no cost effective HAS for small business
until now.
ATLAS is designed specifically to fill this need.

Comparison of ATLAS and Existing Products
in terms of Failure Modes, Cost, and Function

Comparison of Failure Modes for All Options

Failure Mode Hot Swap Server Non-stop Computer HA Cluster ATLAS
Power Supply Fails UP UP UP UP
Fan fails UP UP UP UP
Disk fails UP UP UP UP
Memory fails DOWN UP UP UP
Motherboard fails DOWN UP UP UP
I/O Bus fails DOWN UP UP UP
Disk controller fails DOWN UP UP UP
Net Interface fails DOWN [1] UP UP UP
Other hardware fails DOWN UP UP UP
Planned maintenance DOWN DOWN UP UP
Notes referenced above:
  1. Can be UP if possible to configure with multiple NICs and failover.

Comparison of Cost and Function of High Availability Options

Cost (Function) Non-stop Computer HA Cluster ATLAS
Cost (system) High Low Low
Cost (IT resources) Low High Low
Type of failover Auto Auto Manual [3]
Danger of split brain? No Yes [2] No
Confidence at failover? Yes No [1] Yes
Verification of services? No [1] No [1] Yes
Synchronization? Yes No [1] Yes
Hardware failures UP UP UP
Planned Maintenance DOWN UP UP
Load sharing possible? No Yes No [3]
Notes referenced above:
  1. Possible only if the end user provides for this.
  2. Potential loss of data.
  3. These increase confidence at failover.
To learn more, see selections under High Availability Server at left.

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