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Software and Hardware Research and Development

Michael P. Zeleznik, Ph.D.

I have successfully designed and developed custom software, hardware, and computing systems for over 35 years, across a wide range of environments and technologies.
Since 1996, nearly all has been done remotely from my home office.

Following is a reverse chronology indicating the
Client or Employer, Level of development, and Tools used.
My vita provides a comprehensive view of my background, skills, and accomplishments.

Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning software R & D : for IARPA-funded project to predict the news before it happens using Open Source Indicators (OSI). Developed SVM classifiers for news articles and tweets. Developed pattern search/processing tools, automated tools for Twitter API to gather data, track timelines, process results, automated WEB sites for complex document annotation for Amazon Mechanical Turk, and immersed in full life cycle of Mechanical Turk projects for data annotation.

 • Employer University of Utah, School of Computing, Natural Language Processing Lab 2012-2015
 • Level Low (Python, Perl, Java,...) to Medium (stats, NLP/ML tools, web APIs,...)
 • Tools Python, Perl, Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JSON, NLP tools, Twitter API, MechanicalTurk API

Automated image processing, segmentation and analysis : to detect types of content, segment, then process to correct flaws and remove unwanted content. Please see research disclosure (nondisclosure agreement (NDA) prohibits more detail) [Client Info]

 • Client HP Labs, Technology Initiatives 2007-2010
 • Level Low (C++ analysis of pixels, shapes,...) to Medium (stats analysis, ImageMagick,...)
 • Tools C++, ICC Profiles and libraries, Perl, ImageMagick, Acrobat

Earthquake Early Warning Testing Center creation: Automated, high-reliability software suite for import of XML reports from various remote research locations into a MySQL database, evaluation and analysis of predictions against actual seismic data, presentation of multivariate results via strategically designed tables and color maps, and a web site for access to this information, as discussed in publications AGU 2008 and AGU 2007. [Client Info]

 • Client Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC)
University of Southern California
California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN)
 • Level Low (PHP, Perl, XML,...) to High (web development tools)
 • Tools XML, MySQL, PHP, Perl, Joomla, csh, sh

Automated 2D / 3D earthquake visualizations : of earthquake ground motion (see example movies of a California event (1.0 MByte) and Chile event (4.5 MByte)). Raw signal data is filtered, sampled, normalized for instrument sensitivity, analyzed to remove extreme data, mapped to various colormaps and glyphs, with various display map projections. [More Info] [Client Info]

 • Client Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS), University of Washington 2007-2008
 • Level Low (C, Perl,...) to High (seismic tool apps and libraries)
 • Tools OpenDX, C, Perl, various seismic tools

Entrepreneurial ventures : into consumer products (confidential), involving market analysis, cost/profit analysis, modeling and prototyping, design and manufacturing specifications, patent applications when appropriate, and full product proposals.

 • Client Saya Systems Inc. 2011-NOW
 • Level Low (Perl,...) to High (3D design tools, spreadsheets,...)
 • Tools SketchUp, Photoshop, Excel, Word, Perl

High availability server: designed specifically for small businesses with limited (to no) system support staff, based on a novel "reduced complexity" architecutre with "manual failover". [More Info]

 • Client RAHD Oncology Products and Saya Systems Inc. 2002-2006
 • Level Unix/Linux system level
 • Tools Perl, C, csh, sh

Web site design and development : static to dynamic (database driven), built both (1) from scratch using various technologies including Perl CGI, PHP, HTML, XML, CSS, Javascript, MySQL, ASP, Access, and Flash, and (2) using development platforms such as Dreamweaver, FrontPage, Joomla, and Drupal. [More Info]

 • Client Various, see [More Info] 2003-NOW
 • Level Low (HTML, Javascript, CGI,...) to High (web development tools)
 • Tools HTML, XML, CSS, Javascript, Perl, PHP, MySQL, ASP, Flash, Dreamweaver, FrontPage, Joomla, Drupal

Image processing / photography for web and print : using extensive features of Photoshop and other tools for enhancement, extraction, compositing, gamma correction and color conversion (e.g., sRGB for CRT to CMYK for 4 color print), etc., coupled with a solid background in optics and photography. [More Info]

 • Client Various, see [More Info] 2003-NOW
 • Level High (Photoshop, ImageMagick,...)
 • Tools Photoshop, ICC libraries, ImageMagick, digital cameras, scanners

Project management system : for geographically distributed, multi-platform software development environment meeting FDA 820.30 requirements, integrating a new web-based tool with a version control system and raw file system, providing high level to low level views of each project's status. [More Info]

 • Employer RAHD Oncology Products 2000-2006
 • Level Low (CVS, csh,...) to High (UML use cases)
 • Tools CVS, csh, sh, OnProject, web-based project management tools

FDA 820.30 Design Control Procedure : integrated with geographically distributed software development environment, as a cyclic state machine, with a custom developed database driven web interface and cycle/revision control via CVS. [More Info]

 • Employer RAHD Oncology Products 2000-2006
 • Level Low (CVS, csh,...) to High (FDA documents)
 • Tools CVS, csh, sh, numerous FDA documents

Seamless integration of multi-vendor, multi-platform products: to leverage product strengths, augmenting the power of one product with the services of the other(s).

 • Employer RAHD Oncology Products 2002-2005
 • Level Low (C, Perl,...) to Medium (network datacom, databases)
 • Tools Unix tools, C, csh, sh, Perl, FTP, X

Software runtime environment tools : to validate runtime environment (e.g., processes, memory, disk space) before launching new programs, and inform user of problems, successfully stopping common user problems from compounding. [More Info]

 • Employer RAHD Oncology Products 2003-2006
 • Level Low (Perl, awk,...) to High (processes, databases)
 • Tools Unix tools, Perl, csh, sh, awk, sed

Software multi-level installation and update tools : to provide a managed, safe environment for any computer to simultaneously run multiple product versions with multiple patient databases (e.g., clinical releases, beta test, alpha test, raw development), while simplifying product support and update operations. [More Info]

 • Employer RAHD Oncology Products 1999-2006
 • Level Low (Perl, awk,...) to High (processes, databases)
 • Tools Unix Make, Perl, csh, sh, awk, sed

Radiation treatment planning 3D beam design tool : Provides interactive 3D beam design, both manually and automatically fitting to tumor, with interactive review of structures, treatment beams, CTs, and digital radiographs, and real-time update/modification of 3D objects simultaneously in multiple windows. [More Info]

 • Employer RAHD Oncology Products 1996-2006
 • Level Low (pixels, voxels, polylines, DX modules, C,...)
 • Tools IBM DX C library, C

Radiation treatment planning 3D dose review : Allows 3D visualization of plans in powerful ways, creating 3D structures from CT contours, 3D beams from beam parameters and blocks/MLCs, interactive review of structures, treatment beams, dose, dose mappings, CTs, and dose volume histograms. [More Info]

 • Employer RAHD Oncology Products 1995-2006
 • Level Low (pixels, voxels, polylines, DX modules, C,...)
 • Tools IBM DX data flow networks, C

Volume data fusion : A semi-automatic tool to spatially align two 3D data sets by transforming one coordinate space into the other, providing transforms with variable degrees of freedom, from rigid body to affine to deformable warp. Codeveloped with New York University Medical Center. [More Info]

 • Client New York Universitiy Medical Center,
Karolinska (Stockholm, Sweden),
RAHD Oncology Products
 • Level Low (pixels, voxels, polylines, DX modules, C,...)
 • Tools IBM DX C library, C

Volume data segmentation tool : Semi-automatic generation of 2D contours (that define structures) on CTs. The user first defines the 3D structure via 3D isosurfaces in the CT volume data and/or interactively editing that 3D surface. When done, the software then maps this surface back onto the original CT planes, creating 2D contours on those CTs.

 • Employer RAHD Oncology Products 1998-2000
 • Level Low (polylines, DX modules, C,...)
 • Tools IBM DX data flow networks, C

Extensive visualization software : written with IBM Data Explorer (DX) data-flow networks, scripts, and custom C modules, having become a key IBM beta site and working closely with developers at IBM T.J. Watson Labs. [More Info]

 • Client New York University Medical Center,
RAHD Oncology Products
 • Level Low (pixels, voxels, DX modules, C,...)
 • Tools IBM DX data flow nets and C library functions, C

Custom medical data interfaces : to read images and patient data in various proprietary vendor formats (e.g., GE, Varian, Picker) from various media (e.g., 8mm/4mm tapes, MODs); also wrote functions to emulate disk interface for tapes.

 • Client RAHD Oncology Products 1993-1995
 • Level Low (raw bits, bytes, records, sectors, proprietary formats)
 • Tools C, Fortran, Unix tools

Sun server performance monitoring tools : to enable server monitoring and tuning, and subsequent tuning.

 • Employer University of Utah, Computer Center 1992-1994
 • Level Medium (SunOS and Solaris system tools, shell tools)
 • Tools csh, sh, command line interface

Network design, implementation, management, and support : for university-wide and departmental networks, also serving on the Campus Network Advisory Committee, and eventually as Manager of Networks and Unix Systems.

 • Employer University of Utah, Campus Networking / Computer Center 1989-1995
 • Level LANs to WANs, Ethernet, broadband, FDDI, T1/3, TCP/IP, Appletalk,...
 • Tools Electronics tools, spectrum analyzer, oscilloscope, protocol analyzers,...

Network monitoring and analysis tools: to report on traffic, errors, congestion, bandwidth, utilization, etc., both university-wide and departmental.

 • Employer University of Utah, Campus Networking / Computer Center 1989-1995
 • Level SNMP, MIBs, Unix tools (e.g., tcpdump, etherfind, awk),...
 • Tools Protocol analyzers, SNMP, csh, sh, C,...

Security Design in Distributed Computing Systems : New methodology for the design, analysis, and maintenance of security architectures. [More Info]

 • For University of Utah, Computer Science 1987-1993
 • Level High-level software architecture to low-level hardware
 • Tools OO modeling, information flow analysis, risk analysis

Object-based discrete simulations : such as a simple time-sharing scheduler, CSPs, Ethernet, distributed system (message passing, delays), etc.

 • For University of Utah, Computer Science 1987
 • Level C++, tasks
 • Tools C++ (C preprocessor plus multi-task engine)

Network protocol stack for network transparent datacom : for information retrieval system testbed. State machine design, low level socket I/O, shared memory with locking, fragmentation and reassembly, name service, dynamic process relocation. [More Info]

 • Employer Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),
University of Utah, Computer Science
 • Level Low (C, datacom protocols, OS system calls,...)
 • Tools C, Apollo Domain OS, Unix OS, ARPA documentation

Software for gamma-correction of color video displays : creating inverse gamma curves from screen measurements, (via power functions or cubic splines), generating correction tables, considering quantization effects. [More Info]

 • For University of Utah, Computer Science 1983
 • Level Low (CRT pixels, screen luminance, analysis)
 • Tools C, Fortran, luminance measurement equipment

3D/2D graphics software : for both raster and vector displays, including scan conversion, Gouraud shading, user-object interation (e.g., room furniture layout).

 • For University of Utah, Computer Science 1981-1983
 • Level Low (vertices, normals, pixels, display lists,...)
 • Tools C

Computer vision software : for piecewise approximation of curves, converting arbitrary curve into a polyline of reduced-complexity based on allowable error.

 • For University of Utah, Computer Science 1982
 • Level Low (points, vertices,...)
 • Tools C

Image and signal processing software : for convolution, DFT from FFT, windowing and filtering in Fourier space, etc.

 • For University of Utah, Computer Science 1981-1982
 • Level Low (pixels, DFT values,...)
 • Tools C, Fortran

Image digitizer software : for diagnostic X-ray films, including calibration, data collection and high-level image post processing.

 • Employer University of Utah Medical Center, Digital Imaging Lab 1982
 • Level Low (device driver design, pixels,...)
 • Tools Fortran, Data General RDOS/AOS assembler

Image digitizer hardware : for diagnostic X-ray films, designed and constructed from from the ground up. [More Info]

 • Employer University of Utah Medical Center, Digital Imaging Lab 1982
 • Level Low (mechanical hardware, optics, electronics,...)
 • Tools Metal shop services, digital imaging device

Digital film writer software : to create film images from digital data, including double buffered device I/O, gamma correction.

 • Employer University of Utah Medical Center, Digital Imaging Lab 1981
 • Level Low (device driver design, pixels,...)
 • Tools Fortran, Data General RDOS/AOS assembler

Digital film writer hardware : to create film images from digital data, constructed from the ground up.

 • Employer University of Utah Medical Center, Digital Imaging Lab 1981
 • Level Low (mechanical hardware, optics, electronics,...)
 • Tools Optical bench, optics, high resolution monitor, scope

Frame buffer image display tools : to format and display text, images, color scales, etc. on a high resolution frame buffer.

 • Employer New York University Medical Center, Radiology 1979-1980
 • Level Low (frame buffer library, pixels,...)
 • Tools Fortran, Basic, Data General RDOS assembler

Digital monitoring system : Hardware designed and constructed from the ground up with 144 TTL ICs and 10 CMOS ICs, comprising 3 physical units, including PC board layout and etching, with complete circuit diagrams and theory of operation. [More Info]

 • Client Indiana University of PA, Psychology 1975-1976
 • Level Low (electronic hardware, TTL/CMOS ICs, relays, PC board etching, wiring,...)
 • Tools IC breadboards, test equipment (scope, power supplies,...)

Electronics class : Designed and taught short course at Summer Institute for high school physics teachers, covering new analog and digital IC technology.

 • Client Indiana University of PA, Physics 1975-1976
 • Level Low (electronic hardware, 741/TTL/CMOS ICs,...)
 • Tools IC breadboards, test equipment (scopes, signal generators, power supplies,...)

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