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3D Volume Data Fusion - Demonstrations of Clinical Use

Monitoring and Quantifying Bone Remodeling
Marilyn E. Noz, Ph.D.
Monitoring and quantifying bone remodeling are of interest, for example, in correction osteotomies, delayed fracture healing pseudarthrosis, bone lengthening, and other instances. It has been well established that bone rapidly takes up the 18F- (fluoride) radionuclide and, in broken bone, this uptake is increased. Using modern day positron emission tomography (PET) scanners, it is possible to collect data event by event, in what is termed list mode. The study can then be reconstructed for any given time interval.

This 10 frame cine loop (created with the fusion software) shows the accumulation in the tibia of 18F- from the time of entering the injection site in the arm until it is collected in the fracture.

The first six frames are each ten seconds long and the material is seen entering the wounded area after 40 seconds. The next four frames are 30 seconds each and by the end of the first three minutes, it is apparent that most of the 18F- has accumulated at the fracture site.

The cine loop is first played a few times at slow speed, then many times at a faster speed.

Being able to visualize where and how rapidly the 18F- is being deposited helps the orthopedic surgeon to determine if the bone remodeling is progressing toward healing as expected. If not, some revision to the surgery must be done to promote healing.

To learn more, see selections under 3D Volume Fusion at left.

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