Clients & Employers:
HP Labs
Southern California
Earthquake Center (USC)
Univ of Washington
Incorporated Research
Institutions for Seismology
Univ of Utah:
School of Computing
Computer Science
Campus Networking
Computer Center
RAHD Oncology Products
Univ of Utah Med Ctr:
Radiation Oncology
Diagnostic Imaging Lab
New York Univ Med Ctr
Indiana Univ of PA:
Graphic Design
Unique, powerful graphic design layout ideas coupled with high quality images
for print or web. We extensively utilize the power of Photoshop, Image Magick,
and similar tools, based on my in-depth background in low
level image processing and mathematics.
People decide whether to stay, or move on
in a fraction of a second!
We can provide reasons to stay.
From a technology brochure we produced.
To learn more, see selections
under Graphic Design
at left.