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Product Development
Applied Technology for
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3D Visualization Research and Product Development

Developed several successful 3D visualization products for radiation treatment planning for RAHD Oncology Products, based on IBM Visualization Data Explorer (DX). During this time (until DX was released as OpenDX) I worked closely with the DX developers at IBM T.J. Watson labs, both as an alpha/beta test site, and to provide feedback on requirements for commercial products vs. research. IBM created a separate devevelopment branch for RAHD, to address many critical issues. 1995-2006

Codeveloped a general purpose volume data fusion product with colleagues at NYU Medical Center, the Karolinska (Sweden), and the KTH (Sweden), which makes extensive use of visualization and computer graphics techniques. This product has found extensive use in various medical applications in both the U.S. and Sweden, and was a key component of RAHD Oncology Products product suite. 1999-current

Created numerous other visualization/graphics applications, such as:

  • Earthquake ground motion visualizations for the Univ. of Washington, Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS). 2007-2008

  • Tools to help assess the effectiveness of different earthquake early warning algorithms for the Univ. of Southern California, California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN). 2007-current

Published and presented original research on visualization accuracy in radiation treatment planning at the XII International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy for RAHD Oncology Products.1997

To learn more, see selections under Visualization at left.

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